Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Q & A with Elizabeth Rudolph, President, Jurex Center for Legal Nurse Consulting

I just answered a telephone call from a very nice nurse who inquired about the Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Certification Course that's upcoming in Atlanta on March 26 & 27. Her question is one that others may have.

Q: Hi. I've been a nurse for three years and just became a Nurse Practitioner. Would I be a good fit with being a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant?

A: Yes, you would bring to the table another aspect of nursing. Being a nurse is essential, but you also have still another knowledge base. While additional degrees are not required to be a successful PLNC, it could enhance your abilities. Combining nursing and the law is a beautiful blend and one that is a must in today's lawsuit-prone society.

Thank you for this question and keep your questions flowing.

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