Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Reduce Your Nursing Liability: Ten Ways To Avoid Getting Sued

As a special way of helping you reduce your nursing liability exposure, during this Thanksgiving season we have discounted our newest book Ten Ways To Avoid Getting Sued: What Every Nurse Needs To Know. (Reg. $9.95 now $7.95 until Thanksgiving only. Use coupon code: Thanksgiving 2010). A must-read short book. Only 47 pages.

Here are three bullet points excerpted from Ten Ways To Avoid Getting Sued: What Every Nurse Needs To Know book:

1. Be Nice To All Patients: First and foremost remember this: Patients who like you tend not to sue you. This means to be nice to the patients, even if you don't like them. It is, after all, up to the patient to decide whether or not to sue you.

2. Leave A Paper Trail: One of the most vital components of good nursing care is proper documentation. This practice of thoroughly and completely recoding each interaction with your patients is made even more important when you consider the possibility of legal action against you.

3. Follow The Standard of Care: As a nurse, you know that knowing and following the prescribed standard of care is essential to being a good and safe health care provider. But additionally, following the rules, regulations and guidelines set forth will help reduce the likelihood of getting sued.

This book makes a wonderful gift for any nurse. Take advantage of the ten tools contained in the book and be sure to help other nurses during this time of Thanksgiving.