Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Four Ways To Improve Your Nursing Career

In a nursing rut? Here are four ways to feel excited about your future.

1.  Focus on your dream job. Cut to the chase. What aspects of your current job make you happy or sad? Now, stay on course with the ones that make you happy. Exactly why do they make you happy? Can you do more of those tasks and less of the others? Which leads into the next one...

2.  Get more education. It's not enough to have a nursing license, you must continually upgrade your skill set. So, take a course, go to a seminar, listen to a webinar. Just do something to help yourself.

3.  Take time for yourself. Everyday, do something for yourself. Whether that's reading a book, watching something on YouTube or working out. Reduce your stress level.

4.  Give of yourself. Give something back to nursing. Whether it's speaking at a high school to encourage students to become nurses or mentoring student nurses. We wouldn't be the professional nurses were are if it weren't for nursing.

You can do it! Try it!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Nurses: Two Steps To Improve Your Life Right Now

You've been a nurse for a period of time, however short or long it is. What can you do to take your life to the next level?  Here are two tested steps:

1.  Acquire more skills.  Whatever you like to do, learn how to do it better.  You work in the Intensive Care Unit, then get your CCRN certification.  You're a nurse practitioner, then learn the latest about the new medications.  Knowledge is power.

2.  Manage your career.  What does that mean?  If you want to move up the corporate ladder, you need to be a team player.  If you want to branch out and work for yourself, then you need to learn more about where you want to go before you attempt to get there.  Consider it a roadmap.  Would you set out to Australia without knowing the best way to get there?

Being a nurse is a privilege.  For that matter, having a job is a privilege so treat the job, and you, well. And, by the way, have fun at it.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Report Writing Made Easy for the Professional Legal Nurse Consultant

You've completed your review of the medical records, now comes the report. How can you make it thorough, yet understandable? Try these tips:

1.  Short and sweet. No attorney wants to read a dissertation about the med records. Headings in bold or underlined with a paragraph or two under each heading. Period.

2.  Conclusion is key. Be sure your report has your conclusion. That could be the most important part of the entire report.

3. One page, please. You could drone on and on in your report, but don't. Attorneys are busy people. They want your opinion in detail, but there are degrees of detail.

Follow 1, 2 and 3 are you're on your way to a winning report.